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Deprecated package

This product is no longer supported by Infrae. Use it at your own risk and please don’t request support. This product is listed here for archival purposes and developers who are using it.

Silva Glossary

Silva Glossary is an extension product for the Silva CMS to enhance Silva Documents with glossary functionality. It allows authors to mark up pieces of text and to link these to glossary entries. As a default behavior the glossary description, defined in an external glossary entry object, will pop-up as tooltip when the cursor is positioned over a glossary link. Additionally all glossary entries used in a folder or publication can be displayed on a separate glossary page just like the glossary in a book. Silva Glossary allows for flexible customization of its rendering.

Available releases

Release version Release date Release files
Silva Glossary 1.5 2013 6 21 10:32:53 SilvaGlossary-1.5.0.tgz
Silva Glossary 1.2.1 2013 6 21 10:32:53 SilvaGlossary1.2.1.tgz
Silva Glossary 1.2.0b1 2013 6 21 10:32:53 SilvaGlossary1.2.0b1.tgz
Silva Glossary 1.1.1 2013 6 21 10:32:53 SilvaGlossary-1.1.1.tgz
Silva Glossary 1.1.0b1 2013 6 21 10:32:53 SilvaGlossary-1.1.0-beta1.tgz

License: New BSD