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Deprecated package

This product is no longer supported by Infrae. Use it at your own risk and please don’t request support. This product is listed here for archival purposes and developers who are using it.


Deprecated package

This product is no longer supported by Infrae. Use it at your own risk and please don’t request support. This product is listed here for archival purposes and developers who are using it.

DocmaServer is a Python application developed by Infrae for the processing and generation of Silva XML. Note that DocmaServer is not a Zope product; it is an independent application that can be accessed remotely by Silva using XML-RPC. DocmaServer currently consists of two parts:

For easy installation on Windows, please check out the Docma windows installer.

Combining these two parts makes round trip editing of content possible.

This product does not make much sense without Silva .

Available releases

Release version Release date Release files
DocmaServer 0.8 2004 11 4 16:53:00 DocmaServer-0.8.tar.gz
DocmaServer 0.7 2004 9 1 14:08:14 DocmaServer-0.7.tar.gz

License: New BSD