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Deprecated package

This product is no longer supported by Infrae. Use it at your own risk and please don’t request support. This product is listed here for archival purposes and developers who are using it.

Plone Railroad Zope Product

This Zope Product is an Archetypes based implementation of the Railroad interfaces for Plone.

About Railroad

Railroad is a standards-based repository for binary files such as digital media, along with their metadata. It is designed to be easy to integrate with content management systems and other client software.

For more information see the Railroad product page.


The Infrae team would like to thank the UK Defence Academy for their sponsorship of the development of PloneRailroad.


Infrae Railroad team:

External developers:


Railroad for Zope

Available releases

Release version Release date Release files
Railroad for Plone 0.2.1 2004 10 4 15:22:43 PloneRailroad-0.2.1.tar.gz
Railroad for Plone 0.2 2004 9 24 09:56:58 PloneRailroad-0.2.tar.gz
Railroad for Plone 0.1 2004 9 14 09:44:36 PloneRailroad-0.1.tar.gz

License: New BSD