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The default document content type for Silva 3.0. It is based on silva.core.editor that uses CKEditor, and replace the old SilvaDocument extension who was based on Kupu.

This document type can be extend by other Silva extensions.

Code repository

You can find the code of this extension in Mercurial: https://hg.infrae.com/silva.app.document/.

Available releases

Release version Release date Release files
silva.app.document 3.0.2 2013 10 8 17:04:51 silva.app.document-3.0.2.tar.gz
silva.app.document 3.0.1 2013 8 26 18:29:51 silva.app.document-3.0.1.tar.gz
silva.app.document 3.0 2013 3 6 16:37:59 silva.app.document-3.0.tar.gz
silva.app.document 3.0c1 2012 9 25 11:06:19 silva.app.document-3.0c1.tar.gz
silva.app.document 3.0b1 2011 11 11 17:39:51 silva.app.document-3.0b1.tar.gz

License: New BSD