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infrae.i18nextract is a buildout recipe which create a script to extract i18n strings from multiple packages into a .pot. A script to merge or compile all available translations is also available.

The script support extraction from Python Script, Zope Page Template, Chameleon Page Template, Formulator forms and Silva Metadata schemas.

Exemple in buildout:

recipe = infrae.i18nextract
packages =
output = ${buildout:directory}
output-package = silva.translations
domain = silva
extra-paths = ${zope2:location}/lib/python


List of packages to extract translation from.
Output directory for the created template file.
If specified, you will be able to create the template file directly inside that package.
Translation domain to use.
List of directories that contains Zope Products (Python packages that must loaded using the import path Products rather than their own).
Extra python path to add in order to able to load the Python code to extract translations strings from it.


Two scripts are created:

That do extract the translations. The option -p saves the created template file in the output-package specified in the buildout part.

Manage translation files in the output-package specified in the buildout part:

  • -m merge the translation template file into all existing translations files.
  • -c compile all existing translations files.

The last script requires to have the commands msgfmt and msgmerge installed on the system (available in gettext).

Available releases

Release version Release date Release files
infrae.i18nextract 1.3.1 2013 5 23 13:36:41 infrae.i18nextract-1.3.1.tar.gz
infrae.i18nextract 1.3 2012 8 17 14:52:25 infrae.i18nextract-1.3.tar.gz
infrae.i18nextract 1.2.1 2011 2 7 13:17:45 infrae.i18nextract-1.2.1.tar.gz
infrae.i18nextract 1.2 2010 10 6 11:36:44 infrae.i18nextract-1.2.tar.gz
infrae.i18nextract 1.1 2010 4 26 14:37:22 infrae.i18nextract-1.1.tar.gz
infrae.i18nextract 1.0 2010 4 2 15:04:16 infrae.i18nextract-1.0.tar.gz

License: New BSD