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A simple profiling tool for TAL expressions within page templates. This monkey-patches Zope 2's TAL machinery to time all the expressions, and provides a frontend to view both total rendering time of all page templates and the time each individual TAL expression takes. This makes bottlenecks in page templates easy to find.

Using PTProfiler

Note that this product requires some extra processing time for page templates, so isn't recommended for production sites.

To enable and view the results, place a PTProfiler Viewer object somewhere in the Zope tree, and press the Enable button. After some page templates are viewed, you will see a list of paths to each of those page templates (or, in the rare case the path isn't known, the id). When you click one of the items, you will see a list of all the expression calls in the template, ordered by total time spent on that expression.

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PTProfiler is also available on the Python Package Index:

Available releases

Release version Release date Release files
PTProfiler 1.4 2009 5 29 13:02:30 Products.PTProfiler-1.4-py2.4.egg
PTProfiler 1.3 2008 11 19 16:52:02 Products.PTProfiler-1.3-py2.4.egg
PTProfiler 1.2 2007 3 28 17:50:12 PTProfiler-1.2.tgz
PTProfiler 1.1 2007 3 9 12:57:23 PTProfiler-1.1.tgz
PTProfiler 1.0 2006 9 11 10:50:29 PTProfiler-0.2.tar.gz
PTProfiler 1.0b 2006 9 11 10:48:50 PTProfiler-1.0b.tar.gz

License: New BSD