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infrae.layout defines a way to write view that can reuse an existing defined layout in Zope 2. It is similar to megrok.layout, and work the same way, with some additions.


You can define a Layout that will be used by a Page. A Page is a view and behave the same way. A page will look for Layout and will render inside it.

Both Page and Layout can be rendered by either a render method, or by an associated template, exactly like a Grok view.

A Layout is found by adapting the request and the content: you can register layouts for your skin, then for a specific content.

If this is not sufficient, a page can use the Grok directive layout to directly specify its type of Layout to use. While defining your layout, you can use the same directive to declare which layout a type belongs to. For instance if you have a skin ICorpSkin:

from infae.layout import layout, Layout, ILayout, Page
from five import grok

from corp.skin import ICorpSkin


class ViewLayout(Layout):

   def render(self):
       return u'View %s' % self.view.content()

class Index(Page):

   def render(self):
       return self.context.title()

Now if on the same content you want an edition layout for instance:

class IEditionLayout(ILayout)
    """Layout to edit content

class EditionLayout(Layout):

    def render(self):
        return u'Edit %s' % self.view.content()

class Edit(Page):

   def render(self):
        return self.context.title()

If the above mecanism is not flexible enough for your application, you can write an adapter on the request and your content that provides ILayoutFactory. The adapter will allow you to code the logic to select any layout you want.

Available releases

Release version Release date Release files
infrae.layout 1.0 2010 7 16 10:14:15 infrae.layout-1.0.tar.gz

License: New BSD