infrae.testing defines sanes tests layers for testing in Zope 2, to use in conjunction with zope.testing.
It defines:
A ZMLLayer which load a ZCML file before your test, and clean up after,
A Zope2Layer which setup a Zope 2 test instance in a layer.
You can customize the layer setup to add your tested application (like to create a Portal instance).
If you define the shell environment variable SETUP_CACHE while running the tests, this last setup step will be cached in a FileSystem Storage. This makes it reusable between different testing sessions, and let you save a considerable amount of time while running your tests. Of course don't use the cache if you changed how you installed your application.
By default it provides a environment which is exactly equivalent to the one provided by a real running Zope 2 instance (with all VHM, session support, temp_folder ...).
If you compare it to the code of the Testing module in Zope 2, it does the same thing, but it is simpler (and so readable), provides an environment which match more a running one and is faster (as you can cache the setup operation).
Every test is run in a separate DemoStorage (installed on top of the storage providing the installed application).
A TestCase base class that provides a bit more of assert methods:
- assertTriggersEvents(*events)
- Context manager that will assert that the events with the given names have been triggered.
- assertNotTriggersEvents(*events)
- Context manager that will assert that the events with the given names have not been triggered.
- assertEventsAre(events, interface=None)
- Will assert that the event tiggered up until now are the one with the names in the given list. You can if you want restrict those events to the one implementing the given interface.
- assertContentEqual(c1, c2)
- Will assert that both Zope object are the same.
- assertContentItemsEqual(l1, l2)
- Will assert that both list contains the same Zope objects. The order is not important.
- assertHashEqual(s1, s2)
- Will assert that both md5 hash of the given string are equal. This is useful when comparing two large string, and that you wish to have readable output error message.
- assertStringEqual(s1, s2)
- Will assert that stripped version of both given strings are the same.
- assertEventsAre(events, interface=None)
- Will assert that the triggered events are the ones whose names are specified in the given list argument. You can restrict events to match to those who implements at least the given interface.
- assertXMLEqual(xml1, xml2)
- Will assert that both given XML strings have the same structure and data. The XML strings will be indented and after compared between them. In case of differences, the error will only report a diff between the indented XML strings. Of course don't use this method if you wish to compare two XML strings where spaces matters. An xmlindent script can be installed out of this package that indent the XML code exactly like the assertXMLEqual method does.
A TestMethods class that will provide you access to the assert methods without the need of a test case. This gives you access to all the default assert methods of the unittest.TestCase and the ones documented above.
The suite_from_package function will construct a unittest.TestSuite out of files found in a package. A *.txt file will create DocFileSuite, and a *.py will create a DocTestSuite. Other type of test files can be plugged in.
If you use the ZCMLLayer or Zope2Layer, you have two different callbacks registry you can use:
- testCleanUp that is called after each test,
- layerCleanUp that is called after each layer.
Those callbacks registry have an add method that can be used in order to register a new cleanup function:
from infrae.testing import testCleanUp testCleanUp.add(my_cleanup_function)
A example to test a package called corp.testpackage. The package as a ftesting.zcml file which should mainly load its own configure.zcml:
import unittest from infrae.testing import ZCMLLayer import corp.testpackage layer = ZCMLLayer(corp.testpackage) class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): layer = layer
The layer provides you a grok() method that can be used to grok a module in your test later on.
Now our corp.testpackage is a Zope 2 extension providing some content. We want to test it installed:
import unittest from infrae.testing import ZCMLLayer import corp.testpackage class CorpLayer(Zope2Layer): """Add some installation tasks to the Zope2Layer. """ default_products = Zope2Layer.default_products + ['CMFCore'] default_packages = Zope2Layer.default_packages + ['corp.testpackage'] default_users = Zope2Layer.default_users + {'corp_user': 'CorpRole'} def _install_application(self, app): factory = app.manage_addProduct['corp.testpackage'] factory.manage_addCorpPortal('portal') layer = CorpLayer(corp.testpackage) class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): layer = layer def setUp(self): self.root = self.layer.get_application() self.layer.login('corp_user')
Of course your ZCML must include the ZCML of your package dependencies. As well we don't recommend to add Five in the layer as a default_products, it goes crazy (but include it in your ZCML !).
The layer provides you the following useful methods:
- login(username)
- Log as a the given username.
- logout()
- Logout.
- get_root_folder()
- Return the root of the database, not wrapped in a request.
- get_application()
- Return the root of the database, wrapped in a request.
The code is available through a Mercurial repository at:
Available releases
Release version | Release date | Release files |
infrae.testing 1.3 | 2012 9 3 16:34:46 |
infrae.testing-1.3.tar.gz |
infrae.testing 1.2 | 2011 11 7 13:55:19 |
infrae.testing-1.2.tar.gz |
infrae.testing 1.1 | 2010 10 7 11:09:00 |
infrae.testing-1.1.tar.gz |
infrae.testing 1.0 | 2010 7 15 17:41:25 |
infrae.testing-1.0.tar.gz |
License: New BSD