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The most perfect technique is that which is not noticed at all.

—Pablo Casals, cellist, conductor, and composer (1876-1973)

The high quality of Infrae’s products can be traced to one aspect: we talk – and listen – to users. This includes the entire spectrum, from inexperienced authors to designers to expert sysadmins.

This intercommunication takes the form of support, where problems are found, solved, and software is adjusted accordingly. We view support as a learning process. It’s a continuous feedback loop that keeps the ecology clean and healthy.

Infrae has a range of support offerings, from time based support contracts for our products to incident based constructions for custom solutions. For consultancy and intermittent needs, Infrae offers a Coaching Card approach that combines support availability with flexibility.

To coordinate support and development Infrae makes use of excellent tools such as the Roundup Issue Tracking System for Knowledge Workers and the Mailman listserver. See the Silva issue tracker for an example. Another tool we use for project management is Trac—integrating source code version control, issue tracking, and a wiki.

For inquiries call or contact sales at infrae com.