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This extension provides native Short URLs in Silva. It allows users to manage short hyperlinks to any Silva content item. It's particularly useful for Twitter postings.

Instead of sending a URL such as: http://www.yoursite.com/department/news/articlename (51 characters)

It’s much better to send a URL like: http://yoursite.com/$jUe8eg (27 characters)

Additionally, Custom Short URLs can be created, for instance: http://yoursite.com/HappyNewYear (32 characters)

These provide a memorable URL that’s better for communication since the path contains meaning as opposed to gibberish. It’s especially effective for usage in other mediums like email and print.

When the extension is activated a Short URLs entry appears in Silva's Settings menu. The screen displays the Short URL for that item and provides a form for creating Custom Short URLs.

This feature can be combined with a short domain name to redirect a site visitor to the destination content.

Code repository

Source code can be found at : https://hg.infrae.com/silva.app.shorturl

Available releases

Release version Release date Release files
silva.app.shorturl 3.0.2 2013 10 9 15:25:14 silva.app.shorturl-3.0.2.tar.gz
silva.app.shorturl 3.0.1 2013 5 24 14:11:00 silva.app.shorturl-3.0.1.tar.gz
silva.app.shorturl 3.0 2013 3 7 10:46:38 silva.app.shorturl-3.0.tar.gz

License: New BSD