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CMIS Components for Plone Released

Publication date: 27.May.2013, 15:02

Infrae has released three components into the Plone Collective to make integration with CMIS-compliant systems such as Alfresco possible.


This is a Plone 3.2+ extension that lets you connect to a CMIS (v1.0 compliant) document repository and browse its content from Plone.

It provides a content type called CMIS Browser. After adding this content type you can browse the content of a repository as if it was Plone content.

Code and info



This is a Plone 3.2+ extension that lets you search a CMIS document repository from Plone.
This extension doesn't integrate the Plone search functionally with external CMIS data. It provides a simple search form that does a search in both Plone and a CMIS repository.


The extension depends on collective.cmisbrowser. Each CMIS Browser will indicate a starting point from where the search will start.


This is a Plone 3.2+ extension that lets you enter a custom CMIS query.

You can do a search in the browser and see the results displayed as a public view.


The extension depends on collective.cmisbrowser.

Infrae would like to thank: Beleidsdomein Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie (LNE) and Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM) for funding this development and contribution to open source software.