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Silva 1.4.1 released

Publication date: 21.November.2005, 07:29

16 november 2005 – Infrae has just released version 1.4.1 of the Silva content management system. This is a bugfix release, in which the following bugs are fixed:

  • Kupu 1.3.2 support, see kupu.oscom.org for changes, most importantly a bug got fixed which made it impossible to add SilvaExternalSource objects to Silva documents.
  • Unicode bug fixed in table handling.

See also HISTORY.txt in the package.

What is Silva?

Silva is an enterprise-class CMS for managing content for the web, print, and other media. Content is stored in clean and future-proof XML, independent of layout and presentation. Features include a multi-version workflow system, XSLT rendering support, integral WYSIWYG editor (Kupu), content reuse in multiple publications, sophisticated access management, extensive import/export facilities, fine-grained templating, and hi-res image storage and manipulation. Silva is entirely open source.

For more complete information, see the Silva Product Pages at https://infrae.com/products/silva.


The package can be downloaded from https://infrae.com/download/Silva/.

Links to developer mailing lists, the issue tracker, and info about CVS access can be found on the Silva Product pages.


FMI contact Guido Wesdorp, guido at infrae com, +31 10 243 7051.