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Silva 1.1 beta 1

Publication date: 30.December.2004, 16:59

Silva 1.1 beta 1 released

September 14, 2004 - Infrae is happy to announce Silva 1.1 beta 1. This is a beta release of the upcoming 1.1 release, that will hopefully be released somewhere beginning of October.

Silva 1.1 includes the following new features:

  • XSLT support for rendering Silva objects. This adds more flexibility to the way Silva objects are presented, and when used also provide a nice performance boost. XSLT support can optionally be enabled on a per-object basis. XSLT support needs libxml2/libxslt, but Silva also continues to work if you do not have these installed.
  • A new XML export/system that can also export and import asset data in a zip file.
  • abbr and acronym support for both forms editor and Kupu.
  • New parser for SilvaDocument forms-based editor, using a HTML subset instead of the old-style method using special characters. This should increase the performance of the parser and makes it easier to use.

Silva 1.1 beta 1 also should work with Silva News 1.0 and SilvaExternalSources 0.8, both to be found on the Infrae website.


As of this release, Silva's download site has moved off zope.org to the infrae.com website. Silva can be downloaded here:


The easiest way is to download the Silva-1.1b1-all.tgz file, and unpack this in your products directory. See the INSTALL.txt included in the Silva product for more information.

For Silva extensions such as SilvaNews and SilvaExternalSources, please see the overview here:


Silva is a completely browser based CMS for creating publications for the web, paper, and other media. Content is stored in a clean and future-proof format, independent of layout and presentation, suitable for use in multiple contexts. Silva allows novice users to enter new documents as well as edit existing documents using a simple web interface.

For more information about Silva, please see:
