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Silva 2.0.1 Released

Publication date: 26.October.2007, 07:08

26 october 2007 – Infrae has just released version 2.0.1 of the Silva content management system. This is a maintenance release that fixes various minor issues.

Changes in Silva and related products

A list of the most important changes follows. For complete details of the fixed issues see HISTORY.txt in the packages.


  • Fixed a thumbnailing/caching bug with images that didn’t appear resized in the editor after scaling.
  • The lookup window allowed one to add content and assets to ghostfolders, which isn’t really advisable. This is no longer possible.
  • Silva TOC rendering was fixed to be 100% XHTML compliant.
  • A variety of other minor issues, see HISTORY.txt in svn for a list.


  • Fixed a problem with importing entire Silva roots.

What is Silva?

Silva is a powerful CMS for organizations that manage multiple or complex websites. Content is stored in clean and futureproof XML, independent of layout and presentation. Features include versioning, workflow system, integral visual editor (Kupu), content reuse, sophisticated access control, multi-site management, extensive import/export facilities, fine-grained templating, and hi-res image storage and manipulation.

For more complete information, see the Silva Product Pages at https://infrae.com/products/silva/.


The package can be downloaded from: https://infrae.com/download/Silva.

Links to developer mailing lists, the Silva bug tracker, and info about svn access can be found on the Silva intro page.


FMI contact Eric Casteleijn, eric at infrae com, +31 10 243 7051.