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Silva 2.1 alpha, plus Firefox 3 Compatibility Releases

Publication date: 21.June.2008, 08:25

21 june 2008 – Infrae announces an alpha release of Silva 2.1, plus three releases for Silva versions that fix problems with the Firefox 3 web browser. There are Silva 2.0.8, 1.6.3, and 1.5.12 versions available.

New features of the Silva 2.1 alpha will be announced on the silva-general mailing list.

In the 2.x series the key improvements are:

  • Added support for ‘elaborate’ Code Sources, that appear in a pop-up window instead of a toolbox.
  • When SMTP errors occur while sending notifications, we log them, but no longer abort the process.
  • When PDF/Word file conversion for indexing results in errors, the converted text is indexed anyway.

Various other minor issues have been fixed. For details see the history file included with each version.

What is Silva?

Silva is a powerful CMS for organizations that manage multiple or complex websites. Content is stored in clean and futureproof XML, independent of layout and presentation. Features include versioning, workflow system, integral visual editor (Kupu), content reuse, sophisticated access control, multi-site management, extensive import/export facilities, fine-grained templating, and hi-res image storage and manipulation.

For more complete information, see the Silva Product Pages at https://infrae.com/products/silva.


The packages can be downloaded from:

Silva 2.1 alpha: https://infrae.com/download/Silva/2.1a2

Silva 2.0.8: https://infrae.com/download/Silva/2.0.8

Silva 1.6.3: https://infrae.com/download/Silva/1.6.3

Silva 1.5.12: https://infrae.com/download/Silva/1.5.12

Info about svn access and using a buildout to install Silva is available at https://infrae.com/download/Silva.


FMI contact Eric Casteleijn, eric at infrae com, +31 10 243 7051.